Yard Inspections 2021
Yard Inspections
Yard inspections will start the week of August 2, 2021. Please follow the below guidelines to ensure you do not receive a yard fee (of the Clutter and Debris Responsibility) during the inspection.
1. Remove all weeds from your front and back gardens
All 2 bedroom and 3 bedroom units must keep their gardens maintained in a neat and weed free manner. This also applies to one-bedroom units, which share the responsibility with the building.
Borrow tools, such as hoes and rakes, from the office!
Due to COVID-19, the office is temporarily closed* and cannot lend tools this round of inspections. Please refer to a Community Garden Plot site for devices.- Fast and Easy Weeding Tips
- Is this plant a weed?
- Remove weeds that are on Minnesota Noxious Weed List.
- Additional weed identification: U of MN Extension.
* Starting August 3, CTC's office is open for appointments and walk-ins per the following schedule:
- Tuesday 9:00 am - 12:00 pm, 12:30 pm - 5:00 pm
- Wednesday 8:00 am - 12:00 pm, 12:30 pm - 3:00 pm
- Friday 9:00 am - 2:00 pm
2. Collect weeds in preparation for disposal
- Bags makes it easier to dispose of the weeds later, as well as to avoid the weeds re-rooting themselves again in your garden.
- NO bags can be put into the compost; bags or other containers only used as carriers to dump the weeds into the compost bins, as outlined in next step.
3. Drop weeds into the compost bins located at the community garden sites
- Dump bag in compost bin at one of 5 garden plot locations.
- Do not place bag or carrying device into the compost bin
- What can be put into CTC's compost? What cannot?
4. Clear and organize the remainder of your yard
In addition to removing and properly disposing all the weeds in your gardens, complete the following to ensure you fully pass the inspection:
- Organize storage shed: place all items inside, remove items from top of shed
- Remove and/or dispose of non-yard items (i.e. indoor chairs, sofas, microwaves, T.V.s, interior tables etc.)
- Pick up trash: clean yard area free of garbage
- Clear lawn area for mowers: be sure to move unused yard items (bikes, tables, chairs, grills) free of the lawn area for the mowers to pass all grass areas front and back
You can also read more on the Clutter and Debris Responsibility. We appreciate all of your work with continuous improvements to the safety and appearance of the CTC property!
Tagging for "Claim Day"
Following the inspections, CTC maintenance will begin tagging personal belongings in public spaces with an red tie tag. Items that will be tagged include bikes, grills and toys near or on bike racks around one bedroom buildings and near the Phase IV buildings. No items directly behind two bedroom splits or phase IV will be tagged. If anything you own has a red tag on it, go write your name and address on the tag and leave the tag on until August 31. If no tag is placed on any of your possessions at all within the claiming period, then your object is safe and will not be removed.
Any abandoned bikes and items that are not claimed by Monday, August 30, 2021 will be removed. More info on Claim Day.