Board Meeting
Meetings will be held either in-person, virtually, or a hybrid of the two. To join, please email ctc@umnctc.org for the meeting information.
Schedule Note:
- February's meeting was rescheduled, now occurring Thursday, March 9, 2023, instead of February 28.
- No March board meeting, which is replaced with the Annual Member Meeting (FY 21-22) on March 23.
Open Meeting and Discussion
Join us at our monthly CTC Board Meetings!! It’s essential (and easy!) to learn more about how your board and the co-op operates. Increasing your understanding and participation as a member contributes to a more efficient and effective cooperative.
We welcome and encourage everyone to attend our monthly Board meetings, as well as get involved. Bring your questions, feedback, and ingenuity for an open discussion at the beginning of the meeting. Board meetings typically take place on the fourth Thursday of each month at 6:30 pm in the Community Center Meeting Room (first floor).
Community Voices
Submit questions, concerns, or compliments for the Board of Directors to discuss during the meeting. CTC's Management and Board review all submissions for discussion and evaluation at the upcoming monthly board meeting. So don't hold back: your ideas and feedback contribute to the better representation of the community and, in turn, enriches the co-op for present and future generations! More on Community Voices.
Meeting Materials
View the Upcoming Meeting's Agenda on our governance page. Another method to stay informed is to review the meeting minutes, which are posted on the governance page shortly after the meeting.