Why Become A CTC Board of Director
Now, as a resident of CTC, do you find it to be one of the favorite places where you have ever lived? If not, what aspects of living here could be improved upon for the future?
If you find yourself as a CTC resident who truly enjoys living here, or if you find yourself having ideas about how CTC can be a safe, family-friendly, affordable, diverse, sustainable, inclusive community, then we among the CTC Board of Directors believe you would be a strong member of our Board of Directors!
In the end, it doesn't matter how fluent in English you are or are not. It doesn't matter if you are a University of Minnesota student or are not. What does matter is if you feel strongly about CTC's role in you and your family's life. If you do feel strongly about CTC's benefits and/or what could be improved here, we have open Board of Directors seats which need your experience, your perspective, your vision. Wherever in the world you come from, and however long you have lived at CTC for, we want to continually make CTC a true home for all of us and just may be, it could become one of the favorite places where you have ever lived.
To learn more on how to apply for a CTC Board of Directors position, visit the website link here or if you have additional questions, feel free to email CTC General Manager Hadley Adkins at hadleya@umnctc.org. Feel free to explore our Board of Directors page to learn more about our past work and to review our Board of Directors application, too.
All applications for Board of Directors seats will be due by the end of the business day, Friday April 6th. Elections for Board of Directors candidates will take place at our Annual Community Meeting on Thursday April 19th starting at 6:30 pm at the North Star Ballroom inside the St. Paul Student Center.
Thank you and together, we can make CTC a true home for all of us."
Matthew Young
Board Secretary