Board of Directors Corner
Hello, Neighbors!
The CTC Board of Directors would like to take a moment to remind you of a couple of things happening in our community:
First, if you haven't already, please mark your calendars for the upcoming Fire Extinguisher Exchange. All residents are required to exchange their fire extinguishers on Wednesday, February 8th or Thursday, February 9th between 7:00am-5:00pm (morning hours have been extended in an effort to accommodate more residents). The exchange takes place in the garage area behind the CTC office. Failure to participate in the exchange will result in a $20 fine.
Next, two bedroom and three bedroom apartments are still available for lease and those with resident eligibility are encouraged to apply. Your help in spreading the word and sharing that the CTC is a great community is greatly appreciated!
Since the presence of coyotes on CTC property has been confirmed, the Board of Directors would also like to echo the management's and the DNR's recommendation that all garbage, wildlife feeders, and other food sources should be secured. All cats should be under your direct supervision if outside and up to date on vaccinations as recommended by a veterinarian. Urban coyotes typically avoid people and domestic animals, but if you encounter one, the DNR does recommend that you harass (by chasing or yelling at) it.
Lastly, we'd like to point out that we are currently recruiting board member candidates for four vacancies to be filled at the mandatory Annual Meeting, which occurs every spring. All CTC members in good standing who have an interest in volunteering to serve our community are encouraged to apply. Board members meet one evening each month for 1 ½ hours (some additional time is requested for additional events) and generally serve a two-year term. To learn more contact any one of the current board members, visit the CTC website board page or stop by the CTC offices.