August Programs Meeting
CTC's Programs Committee meets every third Thursday of the month at 5 pm virtually on Zoom until further notice.
Virtual meetings will continue via Zoom until further notice, due to COVID-19. To join, please email ctc@umnctc.org to access Zoom link (no registration/Zoom account necessary).
All are welcome to attend one or multiple meetings, as dependent on your interests, initiatives, and availability! If you wish to receive the email prior to the meetings with the respective agenda and topics, please contact ctc@umnctc.org.
CTC's Programs Committee energizes community connections by organizing diverse community-wide activities, groups, and events. Our co-op committees promote community building and directly influence co-op decision-making in various sectors of our multifaceted co-op. This enables our committee members to develop a comprehensive understanding of the co-op’s operations, strong leadership skills, and an enhanced ability to think critically.
Goals for 2020
- Four new resident events each year.
- Five cultural events each year.
- Four youth events each year.
- Two Ward Rep-led events each year for each Ward.
These event categories can and will overlap, but it helps guide our efforts to cater to all of the demographic categories that live at CTC.
We decided to focus on the following events for 2020:
- Cooking Classes (Jan-April only)
- Bingo Night
- Four coffee-related meet-and-greet events: Café Night (2 per year) / Welcome Breakfast / New Member Breakfast
- Movie Night (1 or 2)
- Bonfire Night
- Ping-pong Tournament (not sure about the details yet)