August Operations Meeting
Virtual meetings will continue via Zoom until further notice, due to COVID-19. To join, please email ctc@umnctc.org to access Zoom link (no registration/Zoom account necessary).
The August meeting will take place at 2 pm (not our typical 6 pm time).
All are welcome to attend one or multiple meetings, as dependent on your interests, initiatives, and availability! If you wish to receive the email prior to the meetings with the respective agenda and topics, please contact ctc@umnctc.org.
Now merged with our former Landscape and Environmental Design Task Force, this collaborative committee promotes policy initiatives that are safe, resourceful, and sustainable, in addition to enhancing aesthetic, cost-effectiveness, and non-harmful methodologies for our grounds.
Our co-op committees promote community building and directly influence co-op decision-making in various sectors of our multifaceted co-op. This enables our committee members to develop a comprehensive understanding of the co-op’s operations, strong leadership skills, and an enhanced ability to think critically.
Current Tasks
Effectiveness of Turf Management Program (Review/Discuss)
UMN Landcare is testing the turf as requested from Landscape and Environmental Task Force and will also test next spring as well.
New FY 20-21 Shoveling Policy (Review/Discuss)
Goal - Establish logistics of how a resident will be fined if front and back areas are not shoveled for 2 and 3 bedrooms. How is this determined for one bedroom households?
Define Policy - The new shoveling fee ($20) in the upcoming Fee Schedule (effective July 1, 2020) needs an official policy. The shoveling fee was added for safety and efficiency reasons for residents, visitors, and CTC maintenance/contractors, because residents are not consistently shoveling their unit's respective sidewalks. Residents are required to shovel their sidewalks (a long-standing requirement stated in the CTC handbook), yet did not previously have any consequence to uphold the mandate.
Example: Front and back sidewalks need to be shoveled edge to edge and should be done if over 2” snow within 24 hours of snowfall ending. Resident is responsible for buildup of snow if not done in a timely manner.
Educational Steps to Increase Sustainability (Discussion)
- In-progress: Compost/Organic waste signage, garden plot signage ordered.
- Future: Laundry