Board of Directors Meeting
6:00pm Board of Director Meeting
4th Tuesday of the Month
Community Center Building- CTC Community Kitchen
Monthly Meeting minutes and agenda can be found on the Board of Directors page.
This is an open meeting to the community. The 9 elected board members are officially accountable for the activities of the corporation. They hear and approve financial reports, and approve policy decisions and the annual budget. The Board in conjunction with the General Manger determines long and short range goals for the Cooperative community.
If you are interested in becoming a board member. The general election is every Spring at the Annual meeting. You can view the job description and application by visiting the Board of Directors page.
Community Voices
The Board of Directors and Management Team would like to remind the Community to share your voices.
Below are the various channels to share your feedback. The opening portion of monthly Board meetings is designated for community voices on co-op policy suggestions or goals. Our August meeting will be held on Tuesday 8/22 at 6:00pm.
Online |
In the Office |
community@umnctc.org |
Umnctc.org |
Complete a |
Do you have suggestions for co-op policies or goals to share with the Board?
Community voices welcome during the opening portion of monthly Board meetings
CTC Board of Directors meet in the Community Center Building on the fourth Tuesday at 6:00pm.
Be sure to check online (Resident Relations > Board of Directors) or contact the CTC Office for meeting date and time confirmation