New Parking Policy (Nov. 2014)
As you may be aware the individual address numbers on the curbs throughout CTC’s parking lots are in need of repainting. The cost to repaint each individual parking spot was quoted to be $60,000 from the UMN painters and it will need to be done every 4-5 years. To address the issue of fading address numbers and to save CTC this large expense, the CTC Board of Directors has approved a new parking policy that will remove the need for repainting. The new parking policy will be open first car parking for CTC residents throughout the property, with selected locations labeled for second car and visitor parking. This policy will begin on November 1, 2014.
This decision was made in consultation with CTC staff and other residential life experts, all of whom recommended moving to an open parking system from the individual parking system we have now. CTC staff will send details of this change to every resident. At that time, if you have any questions or concerns after seeing the details of the new parking policy, CTC staff will be more than happy to address them. Though this change has been thoughtfully considered, problems will arise and we ask for your patience with staff as they are addressed.
We understand this change impacts the majority of CTC’s residents, including each of us on the Board. As your representative this decision was not made lightly. It was made in what we consider to be the best interests of CTC.
CTC Board of Directors