Maintenance Corner
Christmas Tree Disposal
Christmas trees can be disposed of BESIDE the garbage dumpsters. Please be sure to place trees next to the closest garbage dumpster.
Emergency Procedures
In the event of an emergency-know what to do. Be prepared SAFE U emergency procedures. Learn more about safety guidelines, procedures and resources. Remain alert and aware of your surroundings at all times.
New Year’s Friendly Policy Reminders
Parking Policy
All tags must be properly displayed in vehicle window (hung from rear view mirror) when parked on property at all times. Vehicles without tags are subject to ticket, tow or vehicle immobilization. More on parking policy at CTC.
No Smoking
CTC is a Smoke FREE property. This policy is in effect for all residents and their visitors, and guests. Policy violation is a first and final warning with a $50 violation fine and second violation is automatic eviction. Be sure to be informed about the No Smoking policy.
Pet Policy
Pet/Animal agreement registration must be submitted prior to pet/animal on CTC premises. Residents must submit the Pet/Animal Policy Agreement Form with available information prior to obtaining an animal or bringing the animal to the CTC premises. Review pet policy and registration.
Winter Parking on Gibbs Ave - If you park on Gibbs Ave please do not over park the curbs along the walk ways to allow for the U of M Land Care to properly remove snow from the sidewalks along Gibbs. Please park 3 feet back from curb to give enough room for the snow removal machines to clear the walkways.
Christmas trees can be disposed of BESIDE the garbage dumpsters. Please be sure to place trees next to the closest garbage dumpster.
Emergency Procedures
In the event of an emergency-know what to do. Be prepared SAFE U emergency procedures. Learn more about safety guidelines, procedures and resources. Remain alert and aware of your surroundings at all times.
New Year’s Friendly Policy Reminders
Parking Policy
All tags must be properly displayed in vehicle window (hung from rear view mirror) when parked on property at all times. Vehicles without tags are subject to ticket, tow or vehicle immobilization. More on parking policy at CTC.
No Smoking
CTC is a Smoke FREE property. This policy is in effect for all residents and their visitors, and guests. Policy violation is a first and final warning with a $50 violation fine and second violation is automatic eviction. Be sure to be informed about the No Smoking policy.
Pet Policy
Pet/Animal agreement registration must be submitted prior to pet/animal on CTC premises. Residents must submit the Pet/Animal Policy Agreement Form with available information prior to obtaining an animal or bringing the animal to the CTC premises. Review pet policy and registration.
Winter Parking on Gibbs Ave - If you park on Gibbs Ave please do not over park the curbs along the walk ways to allow for the U of M Land Care to properly remove snow from the sidewalks along Gibbs. Please park 3 feet back from curb to give enough room for the snow removal machines to clear the walkways.