CTC Fall Yard Sale
We have it in the spring, why not the fall?
Neighbors at CTC are selling their gently used clothes, toys, furniture, appliances, and more!
Saturday, October 3rd, from 8am-1pm around the CTC resident yards.
Every resident who intends to sell will be marked on a CTC property map available at the CTC office Friday (10/2/15) before the sale.
Each sale will take place on the resident's front door.
Have any questions? Email community@umnctc.org
Toy & Bike Exchange or Giveaway
Saturday, October 3, 2015, 10am - 1pm, CTC Tennis Court
Do you have old toys you don’t want? Have your kids out grown their bikes? Join us for a toy and bike exchange or giveaway.
Bring a toy item/bike (trike, wagon) – SWAP - for another OR donate what you no longer use
This is a participant run exchange
If your items have not been taken at the end of the event, you may collect them or they will be donated to a local organization at 1pm