A message from St. Anthony Park! Please give us your feedback!
We need your feedback on the future of St. Anthony Park!
Calling all people who live, work, pray, play, or attend school in St. Anthony Park, we want your input! As our neighborhood plans for the next decade, we want to hear from you on topics ranging from transportation to land use to environment. Please help us shape the future of our community!
The 10-year planning survey is an important opportunity for community members to share your experiences and ideas of what you'd like to see in St. Anthony Park! By gathering feedback from all the diverse voices in our community we will be able to advocate for and prioritize what our community wants as we guide development in our neighborhood over the next 10 years.
Please help us share this survey to your neighbors and friends in St. Anthony Park all summer, and look for more ways to engage this fall! Thank you for your ideas and support making St. Anthony Park a strong and sustainable community!
Read more about how your input will influence our planning and programming at www.sapcc.org. Feel free to reach out with any questions, comments, or accessibility needs to info@sapcc.org. Thank you all!