Maintenance Corner
Air Conditioner Installation and Usage Procedures:
- You MUST register your A/C with the Office BEFORE you install it
- Once you install your A/C it is registered for the entire summer season
- Monthly A/C usage charges: 1st AC $25 per month - 2nd AC $15 per month
- A/C usage charges are calculated on a prorated basis
- You are responsible for installing/removing your own A/C (helpful install instructions)
- If you choose to remove A/C mid-season and wish to re-install it during the same
- summer; a $20 re-registration fee will be applied in addition to the prorated monthly
- usage charge
- To stop usage charges, you MUST remove A/C unit
- Request of Maintenance Team to install and/or remove will be charged $40 fee per A/C
- unit/each install or removal.