Maintenance Corner
CTC Team welcomes Earl Robinson: our new addition to the Maintenance Team. Earl joins us with a vast experience in maintenance service industry. We are excited to welcome Earl to the CTC community.
CTC Team says farewell to Maintenance Technician Greg Belland early October, after 9 years of service. Greg will begin a new adventure exploring the retirement realm half time in Florida and the other half in Northern MN. His dedication to CTC has been greatly appreciated. He will be missed.
New Entrance Doors: The entrance door replacement for the 2 bedroom split buildings has been completed. Please help us keep these doors looking new for years to come by not drilling or nailing anything into the metal entrance doors, this will permanently damage them.
Also keep in mind that any outer screen door that is either new or existing needs to be kept closed when not in use. Keeping them held open will cause damage to the door if the wind grabs the door hinge, or any other operating part. Keeping the windows closed on outer screen doors in the cold months will help with reducing cold drafts.
HEATING SEASON 2016 – Starting Wednesday October 5th & Thursday October 6th
REMINDER REMOVE Air Conditioners
CTC Gardeners!
As the end of gardening season nears –here are a few reminders
Please be sure to clean your garden plot space to receive your $25.00 deposit refund. All garden plots need to be clear of plants/vegetables (uproot), fencing, posts and all garden materials.
Garden tools (rakes and spade shovels are available for check-out at the CTC Office).
ALL organic material can be placed in the nearest compost bin or pile next to plot.
Remember to remove all fence and any other garden materials.
Once you have cleaned your garden plot PLEASE confirm with the office.
Final inspections of all garden plots will take place closer to cooler frost temperatures.
We will send notice of final garden plot inspection dates.
Unwanted electronics - try to donate or sell what items you can before disposing
of them (i.e. Goodwill or give to a friend). Maintenance is able to dispose of unwanted electronics
for a $25 recycling fee. Simply submit a recycling disposal work order request with the front desk.
DO NOT throw electronics in the dumpster.
Questions about proper disposal of recycling or garbage contact CTC
Office 651-646-7526 or
Check out the recycling resource Guide
24 hours maintenance emergency dial 651-646-7526
For a live operator follow the voice prompts
If something looks suspicious call
Dial 911
Be aware of your surroundings
Commonwealth Terrace Cooperative
1250 Fifield Street, Falcon Heights, MN 55108 - 651-646-7526
Office Hours: M-Th: 8AM-12PM, 1PM-4:30PM • Fr: 9AM-3:00PM