Landscape and Environmental Design Task Force
CTC committee highlights the importance of community involvement
In October, the CTC Landscape and Environmental Design (LED) Committee met with U of M Landcare representatives. We discussed our concerns about the herbicide use on CTC’s property and our interest in cutting landscaping costs. This meeting was an opportunity to brainstorm a more sustainable, cheaper, and healthier landscaping plan for CTC residents. The meeting was an important example of the benefit of getting involved in your community at CTC. As a cooperative, residents are encouraged to voice their suggestions for strengthening the community.
A herbicide-free CTC interior?
One proposed plan is to stop using herbicides on the interior part of CTC. This plan would result in more weeds growing on the interior part of the property, but Land Care would continue to mow the lawns and weed-whip to ensure that the property looks tidy and neat. The interior of Ward 9 (near the office) has been herbicide-free for several years. This decision was prompted by Ward 9 residents’ complaints about pesticide use near their homes and children’s play spaces. Therefore, Ward 9 has led the way in showing us the potential of herbicide-free spaces in other wards. The border-exterior part of CTC facing the neighborhood would continue to maintain a weed-free appearance, and no landscaping changes have been discussed for that part of CTC. The exact borders have not been clearly defined yet.
Will this plan require more work for me?
No. This plan would no longer require that residents are asked to pull weeds from their herbicide-free lawn, unless they want to. As always, residents will still be responsible for weeding the garden spaces in front/back of their homes.
What do residents think?
The task force has put together a survey for residents to fill out at the fall clean-up. The survey will help CTC management better understand your support for cutting herbicide use on this property. Stay tuned for more information.
How can I get involved?
The next LED Committee meeting is on Tuesday, November 13 from 5:00-6:30. We will be hosting guests from Ramsey County and the Capitol Region Watershed District, and learning about the environmental benefits of watershed-friendly landscaping practices. No landscaping expertise is required to join the meeting and all interested residents are invited to attend. Please contact ctc@umnctc.org for questions or for more information about upcoming meetings.