Fire Extinguisher Exchange 2019
CTC has the responsibility to keep all of our residents safe, which includes keeping fire extinguishers up to date and fully functioning. CTC does not operate with much disposable funding, in which in order to keep rent dues as low as possible, redirect as many resources back into the community, and provide substantial rebate checks (which we all love!!), we need your help to exchange the fire extinguishers in our community.
We hire an outside company to make the switch, in which every day of the exchange costs us a significant amount of money for the service. Therefore, to use our resources most efficiently, we need one resident of each household to bring their Fire Extinguisher to trade for a new one on either February 20th or 21st. Meet us at the Community Center garages behind the CTC Office (facing Commonwealth Ave) between 7:30 am - 5:00 pm to receive a new fire extinguisher.
Ask a friend, neighbor, or Ward Rep to see if they can make the switch for you if no one in your household is able to. The fire extinguisher just needs to be exchanged, it doesn’t matter by who! If it isn't possible for a neighbor or friend to bring your fire extinguisher over, our maintenance staff can take care of it for a small fee.
Thank you for your cooperation!