Board of Directors Corner
Greetings on behalf of the CTC Board of Directors!
The members of the board would like to wish everyone at CTC a safe and happy winter! We haven’t had much snow, and even the cold has been slow to arrive. But, we ask that you please review the winter safety tips mentioned in the Maintenance Corner of this newsletter. Even for residents who have lived through several Minnesota winters, it takes a community of people who are aware and informed about winter in order to keep everyone safe! Please share this information with everyone in your household. Also, are you uncertain about how to dress for the winter? Please contact any board member or any CTC staff person and ask how you can safely (and warmly) dress for the winter. The Twin Cities has a great used clothing industry, so please ask how you can get great winter clothes at reduced costs.
As is often tradition when looking ahead to a new year, we would like to take time to review some highlights of 2016 that reflect the work of the CTC office staff, the Board of Directors and committees, and the ways CTC residents participated in activities. Thank you for keeping CTC a vibrant place to live!
Road Construction Projects – Knapp Ave, Raleigh & Ray Place
Bulk Internet Service
Little Libraries – Peace Garden & Study Center
New Garden Plot site F – Additional 6 garden plots
US Postal Delivery Service Change – 10 cluster box sites
Laundry Service Vendor – New machines
Updated Tennis Court & two half courts
New basketball hoops and additional tetherball pole
Peace Garden dedication bench – in memory of former CTC resident
Community Center playroom makeover – new toys/materials for kids
Introduced Teen Tuesdays – time for Teens to gather
This past year, the office of Housing and Residential Life (HRL) at the University of Minnesota required CTC to make more clear the eligibility requirements for students living in graduate family housing. While most residents were not affected, the clarification in language required by HRL revealed changes in eligibility for many CTC families. The end result of the negotiations with HRL, CTC office staff, and a strong student collective resulted in no families having to immediately move out. New housing applications to CTC, therefore, are now vetted through the eligibility requirements that reflect the housing policy enforced by the University of Minnesota. Please review the resident handbook to understand these changes. Additionally, the Board of Directors worked to incorporate this new language into the management agreement, which is the document that outlines CTC’s relationship to the University of Minnesota.
We hope that all residents get some time off to enjoy family, friends, holidays, and the New Year!
Kimberly Weaver Olson, President
CTC Board of Directors
The members of the board would like to wish everyone at CTC a safe and happy winter! We haven’t had much snow, and even the cold has been slow to arrive. But, we ask that you please review the winter safety tips mentioned in the Maintenance Corner of this newsletter. Even for residents who have lived through several Minnesota winters, it takes a community of people who are aware and informed about winter in order to keep everyone safe! Please share this information with everyone in your household. Also, are you uncertain about how to dress for the winter? Please contact any board member or any CTC staff person and ask how you can safely (and warmly) dress for the winter. The Twin Cities has a great used clothing industry, so please ask how you can get great winter clothes at reduced costs.
As is often tradition when looking ahead to a new year, we would like to take time to review some highlights of 2016 that reflect the work of the CTC office staff, the Board of Directors and committees, and the ways CTC residents participated in activities. Thank you for keeping CTC a vibrant place to live!
Road Construction Projects – Knapp Ave, Raleigh & Ray Place
Bulk Internet Service
Little Libraries – Peace Garden & Study Center
New Garden Plot site F – Additional 6 garden plots
US Postal Delivery Service Change – 10 cluster box sites
Laundry Service Vendor – New machines
Updated Tennis Court & two half courts
New basketball hoops and additional tetherball pole
Peace Garden dedication bench – in memory of former CTC resident
Community Center playroom makeover – new toys/materials for kids
Introduced Teen Tuesdays – time for Teens to gather
This past year, the office of Housing and Residential Life (HRL) at the University of Minnesota required CTC to make more clear the eligibility requirements for students living in graduate family housing. While most residents were not affected, the clarification in language required by HRL revealed changes in eligibility for many CTC families. The end result of the negotiations with HRL, CTC office staff, and a strong student collective resulted in no families having to immediately move out. New housing applications to CTC, therefore, are now vetted through the eligibility requirements that reflect the housing policy enforced by the University of Minnesota. Please review the resident handbook to understand these changes. Additionally, the Board of Directors worked to incorporate this new language into the management agreement, which is the document that outlines CTC’s relationship to the University of Minnesota.
We hope that all residents get some time off to enjoy family, friends, holidays, and the New Year!
Kimberly Weaver Olson, President
CTC Board of Directors