Board of Directors Corner
We need YOU
The Board of Directors and the CTC Management Team invite you to join us and become a member of the Board of Directors! Becoming a Board Member is a wonderful opportunity to share your own experience and expertise with all the residents here at CTC. As a board member, you would work closely with the management team at CTC, helping to shape policy and drive the growth of CTC; your ideas and decisions will have a direct and positive impact on the community, now and into the future.
It is a great resume booster to be able to say that you have been a “Board Director” for a diverse organization with a $4 million operating budget. The experience you will gain discussing issues, debating issues, and reaching a consensus that is beneficial to the entirety of the co-op will give you great insight into how organizations are run; giving you an edge when looking for employment.
You would be an asset to the board of directors if you have interest or experience in ANY of the following areas: families, management, policy, finance, volunteering, social work, international affairs, politics, science, children, law, public health, languages, engineering, diversity, green living, communications, organizational behavior, or community programs.
The board member job description and application is available online. Have any additional questions? Feel free to stop in to meet with General Manager, Hadley Adkins for details of the work of the board or email hadleya@umnctc.org. You could also talk to any of our current Board Members who would be glad to share with you some of the great experiences they have had on the board.
Please submit applications by emailing them to ctc@umnctc.org.
All CTC members in good standing can be a board member (You don’t have to be a student to join.)
Board members meet one evening each month for 1 ½ hours (some additional time is requested for additional events) Board members generally serve a two-year term.
Management Changes at CTC
Our General Manager, Kris Graham, has chosen to retire after many years of helping build CTC into the special place that it is. Taking her place as General Manager is Hadley Adkins, who has been a part of CTC for many years and previously the Operations Manager. Shanea Schmelling is moving into the Operations Manager position and previously was the Housing Coordinator and Sara Krasny is moving from the Office Coordinator position into the Housing Coordinator role.
Feel free to stop by the office to introduce yourself, and to congratulate our management teams on their new positions!
Annual Meeting
Our residents’ annual meeting is coming up soon. It will be held at the St. Paul Student Center North Star Ballroom. It is required that all members of the cooperative attend. During the meeting, we will be electing new board members, learning about the current health of the co-op, and there will be great prizes given throughout the meeting! Mark your calendar and keep an eye out for more details!!
Spring Cleanup
As we move into another beautiful Summer, it is once again time to make our neighborhood SHINE! The Spring cleanup is scheduled for April 29, 2017 with a backup date of May 6, 2017 in case of inclement weather. All members are required to participate as a fulfillment of membership, and non-members are welcome to participate. Watch for more details soon!