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Board of Directors Corner

Welcome Back!

Hello CTC residents, and welcome back to another exciting year of studies here at the University of Minnesota! To celebrate, we will be hosting a Welcome Back Breakfast at 9AM on Saturday September 2nd, at the CTC Community Center Building! Come grab a bite to eat before heading in to class or lab!

Keeping CTC Safe

We recently had a successful Safety and Security Meeting with the University of Minnesota Police Department. They assured us that increased patrols will be sent to CTC to keep a strong Police presence and deter criminal activity. In addition, they recommended several ways to improve our safety here at the CTC, which the Board will be looking into. These include: nightly patrols composed of CTC residents, more signage to the effect of “these premises are under surveillance”, keeping all windows and doors locked at all times, and working together as a community to keep an eye out for suspicious activity. The Police also recommended that you should not hesitate to call them in the event that you do witness suspicious activity, by dialing 911 and identifying to the dispatcher you live in University campus housing.

It is especially important that we look out for one another during the State Fair. The Fair is a fun and exciting time for everyone in Minnesota, but it also brings many more people than usual within close proximity of the CTC. A nightly Patrol of CTC members will occur during the State Fair, as usual, and if you would like to volunteer for that and/or the ongoing Patrols throughout the year, please reach out to us at

Thank you and enjoy the Fair!

Dustin Churnick – Board of Director