Board of Directors Corner
Fall Greetings to all CTC residents from the Board of Directors!
I (Kimberly) was looking for my daughter Natalie the other afternoon and found her raking a pile of leaves. Suddenly, the pile of leaves started to giggle! She and two other friends were taking turns burying each other in leaves. It was a sweet display of how Minnesotans enjoy this beautiful time of year.
We need to remind residents about a very important safety issue: Do not pass school buses on CTC streets. It is unsafe, and when lights are flashing, it is against the law. If you are driving behind a bus and can’t wait for the bus to finish picking up children, please turn around and use another exit.
Thank you all for your participation in Fall Clean Up. It is resident participation in these events that directly helps keep costs low for CTC and for you, the resident. We hope you enjoy how beautiful CTC looks after Clean Up.
Another way costs are kept low is by residents taking turns cleaning the laundry rooms. The effort you all make to keep the laundry rooms usable is evident. Keep up the great work! There are just a couple of things I would like to offer as reminders for laundry room courtesy:
1. Please remember that replacing laundry room supplies is the responsibility of residents, not the Ward Representatives. If you are cleaning and discover supplies aren’t available, please stop by the CTC office for refills. Laundry room supplies are for use in the laundry room only, not for use in residences.
2. Each dryer has a removable filter located right inside of the dryers where clothes are loaded. When you finish drying a load of laundry, please remove this filter and clean off the lint and return it to the filter slot.
3. Some of you may have difficulty with your laundry payment card, with the machines, or both. Please read the following directions on how to contact CTC with these problems so they can help contact the company that is managing repairs.
Due to the ongoing changes with our current laundry service contractor, we are asking residents to report all laundry machine outages and service repair requests directly to the CTC Office. This will allow Management the ability to track service requests and submit necessary follow up requests. All repair service requests can be submitted via email to ctc@umnctc.org or through the CTC website under the link contact us where you select Laundry Repair from the drop down menu.
Be sure to include in your request the MACHINE ID NUMBER along with the problem.