Board of Directors Corner
Greetings, neighbors! Since the last time we checked in we have endured some remarkably inclement weather. Kudos to all of you for your cooperation with the emergency snow removal procedures. We hope you are staying warm and comfortable in these chilly temperatures.
January has been a productive month for your Board of Directors. We discussed and approved the Draft Operating Budget for Fiscal Year 2018-2019 (July-June), as well as the updated Fee Schedule (to be implemented as of March 1, 2018). Click highlighted text for links to those documents.
The Fee Schedule is an inventory of the assessments made by our management team to contribute to operation and programming costs and compensate for loss when residents fail to adhere to organizational policies.
We are proud to report that we have approved a decrease to the one-time membership fee to $150, from the previous $250 rate. We feel that this and other adjustments—most are decreases from current rates—more fairly represent actual costs and contributions. The fees are not meant to serve as a punishment, but as a means of accountability for residents to adhere to policy, which collectively saves us money and reduces the need for rent increases. Additionally, this year there will not be rent increases, and your rent will remain at its current rate through June 2019.
As your elected Board of Directors, it is our responsibility to guide the financial health of our organization; with that charge we strive to represent and protect the interest of the community and continue to offer affordable housing to you, the residents. The Board of Directors will be seeking nominations for five new members in the coming months. If you have an interest in serving, please contact one of the board members for more information or stop by one of our meetings.