Board of Directors Corner
One of the values that we all share as members at CTC is sustainability. It is actually a part of our official values statement which reads, “We value sustainability; the choices that we make benefit not only current members but the wider community and those to come.” For the last several months the Board of Directors has been working with the management team to ensure that CTC’s investments are aligned with our values. In order to accomplish this, the board met with several investment firms to find an investing team that is as committed to environmental, social, and governance (ESG) investing as we are. We chose to work with a group from Morgan Stanley who share our values and will help us to invest in a socially responsible manner.
As we move forward, the Finance Committee will be working to update CTC’s Investment Policy Statement, so that Morgan Stanley has a better understanding of our goals and values. If you would like to join the Finance Committee and help us better define our sustainable investing goals, please email me at paulbigwood@gmail.com.
The Finance Committee, the Board of Directors, and the other committees here at CTC are made up of volunteers; we are all co-op members who are sharing some of our time to help keep CTC the wonderful, sustainable place that it is. Please consider volunteering some of your time by joining the Finance Committee, Board of Directors, Operations Committee, or any of the committees that interest you. You don’t need to have any special expertise. All you need is the willingness to share a small amount of your time and your perspective in a way that will benefit our entire community!
Paul Bigwood
Board Treasurer