Board of Directors Corner
"If the spring was a cordial, like the sub-acids of fruit, winters are a tonic, like the wine of iron. Drink deep or be careful how you taste this December vintage. The first sip may chill, but a full draught warms and invigorates. Be safe and enjoy winters. Also expect some surprise in the form of annual rebate …”ahem ahem ahem”…keep guessing."
OK, let me break the ice. This year the Board approved a 1.75% return amount to the members. For those who are not aware, the rebate is cooperative budget surplus due to good managerial budgeting and expenses (i.e. lower energy costs than predicted). Moreover, volunteers help cooperate to save some extra money at the end of the year (Just cleaning the laundry rooms twice a week saves cleaning costs of about $60,000 annually). So GREAT going guys (cooperate members). Volunteering and good management practices is how the cooperative maintains community and saves money. Everyone is welcome to be part of our family, so feel free to volunteer. The co-op office can always lead people to a good spot for short contributions (committees and the board or anything that the members want to do for themselves). Volunteering will not only give you an opportunity to be part of innovative activities (example: cultural activities and many more) but also allow you to learn a lot from experts in the community.
Have great weekend
Fahad Kidwai - Board of Director