CTC Board: April Update
Quarterly update from the Board of Directors, detailing new initiatives for the upcoming fiscal year, including increased rental rates and community safety.
Dear Neighbors,
It seems appropriate that as I write this as we are seeing spring set in. This what has been a trying year for our community. But through it all, our community has persevered. I know that many of you share my hope that soon we will once again gather safely with our neighbors and enjoy all that makes CTC a wonderful place for all. Below I will offer a summary of the board of directors actions over the last quarter.
Annual Members Meeting
CTC's annual meeting will take place online via Zoom on Thursday, May 27, 2021, at 6:30 pm. Just like the in-person meeting, attendance is mandatory; we need members to vote on objectives crucial to the functioning of the co-op.
New Board Member
The board of directors is pleased to welcome Mounish Gorle as our newest member. We are also accepting applications to fill four open seats for the 2021-2023 term now through May 3, 2021. Any co-op member in good standing can run for an open board position. We seek board candidates who are passionate about our community and strive to make a positive impact. More info + apply to CTC's Board of Directors.
News on Rent Increase and No Surplus
The Co-op did have a surplus this year. However, the board elected to use the surplus to offset a portion of the University required rent increase. After a careful review of the budget, the board approved a 2% increase beginning July 1, 2021. It is never an easy decision to raise our rent. However, the university required a 3.89% increase, and the average annual increase for St. Paul is 6%. The board of directors is committed to keeping CTC an affordable source of housing and community for all residence. View Rental Rates FY 2021-2022.
Measures Taken to Fight Theft
Unfortunately, several of our neighbors have been the victims of catalytic converter theft over the last few months. This is a crime that has emotionally and financially harmed many of our friends and neighbors. Catalytic converter theft has been a problem across the US for the over the last year and half and has increased by 77% in St. Paul alone. The board takes our community’s security with the utmost seriousness. The board of directors is in the process of investigating the ways in which we can increase the security of our community in a way that 1. will protect our residence and their personal property, and 2. is in line with our values and will allow for a sustainable future. While we begin consulting with the University Police Department on what can be done to help cut down on these types of crimes, security cameras have been modified to allow for quicker gathering of data after a crime is reported and signs indicating that this community is under video surveillance are to be installed.
In the mean time the board would like to direct residence attention to a piece of legislation introduced by State Senator for the district John Marty that would make it illegal to possess a catalytic converter which you cannot prove ownership for. More information can be found here. The board encourages members to review the available information and, if you are in support of the legislation write to inform Senator Marty to voice your support for the bill.
In collective,
Tanner Deeds, Board of Directors Vice Chair