Community Announcements
24 hours maintenance emergency dial 651-646-7526
Road Replacement Project – 2016 phase
The 2016 phase of road replacement will begin late July/early August on Knapp Ave and potentially Raleigh Street.
Notifications will be posted as soon as the official start date has been determined by the University contractors.
If you plan to travel during these dates, be sure to make proper arrangements for your vehicle to be relocated.
Consider being a National Night Out Event Coordinator Volunteer!
This is a great way to get involved in the community and we need 1 volunteer from each ward to help out.
Each ward needs a NNO Event Coordinator contact person to post necessary flyer invitations, answer questions, enter each household into the drawing, help set-up and work with the other joining ward event coordinator.
The goal is to gather as many residents from the community to enjoy the evening event.
Volunteer Coordinator training session will be held on Thursday July 28th at 6:15pm in the Community Center Fire Place Room to review event details and distribute all necessary potluck materials.
If you are interested in volunteering for your ward email: ctc@umnctc.org
CTC coming together to stand against crime builds a stronger and safer community. Be part of the commitment of standing together.
If you are interested in being part of a Community Safety Patrol Watch – contact 651-646-7526 or email: ctc@umnctc.org
Always remember if something looks suspicious call 911. Be aware of your surroundings at all times.
Upcoming CTC Event Reminders (click each title for more information)
Able to help with any of the below events? Email community@umnctc.org.
English Conversation class continues
Fireplace room- Community Center Building Tuesdays 10AM-11:30AM
Enjoy coffee or tea and treats. Just come, listen and talk in English!
It’s FREE! All residents are welcome, even those who already speak English.
Free Yoga
July 11, 2016, 7:30pm, Upstairs room of Community Center or outside.
Summer classes will be taught the 2nd Monday of the month June-August at 7:30pm. (6/13/16, 7/11/16, 8/8/16)
If the weather is nice, they will try to move the class outside, so please watch for future announcements and postings that evening.
Free Movie Night
Friday, July 15, 6:00pm
Movie: Goosebumps, PG
Cooking Class
Thursday, July 21, 6:00pm
VOLUNTEER STILL NEEDED, email Shanea if interested community@umnctc.org
Free Movie Night (Adults Only)
Friday, July 22, 7:30pm
Movie: The PhD Movie
If you're interested in helping with any events at CTC, email community@umnctc.org
Summer Programing at CTC!
Summer soccer game schedules are being finalized – WATCH for announcements
SUMMER EVENTS. We are looking for people to help lead weekly sporting games such as basketball, sand volleyball, badminton and tennis. If you are interested, please email community@umnctc.org.
YOUTH & PARENTS: We need more ideas for youth games and events through the summer and need parents to help plan. Email community@umnctc.org with ideas.
Youth Kickball & Ice Cream Social – All youth welcome- Watch for future announcement
Would you like to help preserve our Monarch Waystation?
We are looking for volunteers to help monitor the site, upkeep Milkweed and watering. Please email community@umnctc.org if interested.
Find all CTC events on our Events Calendar at www.umnctc.org
Moving Out? Be sure to submit vacate form 60 days in advance and review move out checklist and guidelines Learn more
RECYCLING @ CTC check out the recycling resource Guide
CTC Classifieds Have items for Sale - looking for sale items? CTC Classifieds online is available for all CTC residents.
If you are a current CTC resident selling or wanting to purchase items email information to ctc@umnctc.org for posting
Renters Insurance A good investment to protect all of your personal belongings in the event of an unforeseen circumstance. CTC is not responsible for tenant’s personal belongings.