Programs Meeting
Help plan community events and activities with our Programs Committee, meeting on the third Tuesday of the month at 6:00 pm.
To receive meeting and committee updates, please email CTC's Communication and Community Outreach Manager
All are welcome to attend one or multiple meetings, as dependent on your interests, initiatives, and availability! We look forward to seeing you all and hearing your interests and ideas for community events.
Monthly Schedule: Meets every third Tuesday of the month at 6:00 pm
Next Meeting:
- 6:00 pm
- In-Person Meeting: CTC Kitchen
Located upstairs in the Community Center (1250 Fifield Ave), last door on the left.
Prep for the Meeting
- Bring one idea for an in-person event and one idea for an ‘remote/distanced’ event.
- Tell others about the Programs Committee! We could use more community members to help with planning and volunteering.
Meeting Agenda
Goal: Plan one event/activity per month, and for us to be planning 1-2 months in advance.
For our planned events/activities, it could be in-person or remote/distanced (such as the Gingerbread House Contest), and possibly alternate monthly for adequate planning. We could also consider planning events/activities around established events, such as something related to the annual spring clean-up for during or after the event!
We will discuss this further with everyone’s interests and ideas, yet we started a list below to help you brainstorm ahead of time!
Event/Activity Ideas:
- Seasonal Event Related
- Houseplant Exchange Event
- Bike Maintenance Event
- Gardener kick-off or end of season?
- National Night Out + Community Celebration (August)
- Remote/Distanced Ideas
- Gingerbread House Contest
- Electronic Recycling Event
- Coloring contest
- Optimized Living Space Challenge
- January: Photography (‘photo of the year’) Contest?
- Fall/Spring Garage Sale
- Bingo/game night
- Youth/Youth sporting events
- Community concert or open mic night
About CTC's Programs Committee
CTC's Programs Committee energizes community connections by organizing diverse community-wide activities, groups, and events. Our co-op committees promote community building and directly influence co-op decision-making in various sectors of our multifaceted co-op. This enables our committee members to develop a comprehensive understanding of the co-op’s operations, strong leadership skills, and an enhanced ability to think critically.
Committee Participation/Laundry Room Cleaning Exemption
The programs committee, as a whole, is anticipated to meet one time per month for 1-2 hours, depending on committee ideas/plans and the community’s needs. Many of the events we will plan, however, will require volunteer help – your and others’ volunteer help is vital to make events successful and fun! Thus, please anticipate on spending 5 hours per month on your programs committee between meeting, tasks, and events, as needed/applicable.
As a reminder, co-op committee members receive the perk of removing their household from the rotating laundry room cleaning duties in their wards. This only applies to active and current members, however, in which you must attend the monthly meetings or participate in alternative ways to be deemed a member.
- Unable to attend meetings? There are other ways to participate on the programs committee apart from our regular meetings, such as volunteering for events or meeting one on one with me to catch you up. If this is you, please email CTC's Communication and Community Outreach Manager, and we will work something out based on your interests and availability.
- Committee Helpers vs. Committee Members: We encourage all CTC residents to be a part of our committees to any degree or frequency, however, in which all are welcome without making the participation commitment necessary to be deemed an official member. You can still help the committee in the area or time commitment you prefer, such as volunteering occasionally at events or only participating certain times of year; without the regular commitment as a member, however, you will remain on the laundry room cleaning rotation.
- Lack of Member Participation: If you are a committee member and miss more than one month’s necessary participation without notifying the CTC Staff member of an excuse or working out an alternative, your laundry room cleaning exemption will end, with your cleaning duties reinstated per your ward’s scheduling.