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CTC Yard Sale


CTC Yard Sale

Saturday, May 4 starting at 8:00 AM.
Maps will be printed early next week; pick up a CTC Yard Sale Map from the CTC Office Desk to learn where you can find various items for sale during the Community-Wide Sale.

Note that the Spring Clean Up will be happening at the same time as the Yard Sale. At least one resident from your household needs to help with the Spring Clean Up that morning; a second household member will need to monitor your Yard Sale. If you are working, please refrain from shopping until the raking and morning coffee break/treats with your neighbors are finished.

An advertisement will be posted on Craigslist indicating that our sale starts at 11:00 AM. Early-shopping-residents will have first choice of the best items before 11:00 AM
Please caution your children that the sale may bring extra cars and strangers into CTC.