Thanksgiving Potluck Dinner
Enjoy a traditional American Thanksgiving Potluck Dinner
Sunday, November 24, Dinner served at 2pm, Community Center Upstairs
Residents from the United States: please step up and show hospitality to those who are experiencing this traditional meal for the first time. Sign up to be a volunteer or provide a dish to share. The list of roles and needs will be at the Main Desk until November 20. We will have one planning meeting prior to the event to assign roles and responsibilities. Even if you can participate only on the day of the dinner by sharing your family's favorite stuffing, that will be appreciated!
Sunday, November 24, Dinner served at 2pm, Community Center Upstairs
Residents from the United States: please step up and show hospitality to those who are experiencing this traditional meal for the first time. Sign up to be a volunteer or provide a dish to share. The list of roles and needs will be at the Main Desk until November 20. We will have one planning meeting prior to the event to assign roles and responsibilities. Even if you can participate only on the day of the dinner by sharing your family's favorite stuffing, that will be appreciated!