Play Room Clean-up
It’s Play Room Clean-Up time for all who use the play room!
Tuesday, January 28
Show up to help at 9:30 – 11:00 AM or 3:30 – 5:00 PM
This is a time for all who use the CTC Play Room to do a fair share of the room maintenance. Please plan to volunteer! You may bring your child to the room and include him/her in simple cleaning tasks.
• Cleaning supplies will be provided and snacks will be available for the volunteers.
• A list of tasks, posted on the wall, will give direction to volunteers.
• Sanitize the toys with disinfecting bleach
• Vacuum the rugs and carpeting
• Reorganize the books and puzzles
• Wash the chalk board
• Scrub the chairs and tables
• Reorganize the play kitchen
Tuesday, January 28
Show up to help at 9:30 – 11:00 AM or 3:30 – 5:00 PM
This is a time for all who use the CTC Play Room to do a fair share of the room maintenance. Please plan to volunteer! You may bring your child to the room and include him/her in simple cleaning tasks.
• Cleaning supplies will be provided and snacks will be available for the volunteers.
• A list of tasks, posted on the wall, will give direction to volunteers.
• Sanitize the toys with disinfecting bleach
• Vacuum the rugs and carpeting
• Reorganize the books and puzzles
• Wash the chalk board
• Scrub the chairs and tables
• Reorganize the play kitchen