Operations Committee Meeting
Did you know the Operations Committee…
- put in the little libraries we have on property?
- checks all exterior building lighting to make sure we are all safe?
- installed composing barrels on property?
Would you like to be a part of making choices that can be seen throughout CTC? We want to see you TONIGHT!
Come and check out the Operations Committee at our meeting this evening and see if it is something you would like to be a part of. Worst case scenario, you do not end up joining. On the bright side, however, you now know who to direct your suggestions and constructive criticism to in order to make CTC a better place for everyone—not to mention you got a free slice of pizza!!
Thursday, January 25, 2018 at 6:00pm
Community Center Upstairs Kitchen
PIzza and drinks provided.
Child Care available. Please email shanea@umnctc.org if you are in need of child care to attend this meeting.
The CTC Operations Committee is an enjoyable committee that is wanting some eager residents with fresh ideas to join us. We will be starting the new year off with the topic of organic waste disposal and how to move forward with this at CTC.
We meet for one hour 6-8 times a year and accomplish a lot that benefits the CTC Community. We add value to both the Residents and the Board of Directors by offering our insight, concerns, and talents. Some of those examples are listed below.
- 3 newsletters a year
- Safety initiatives such as our lights out campaign to check all outdoor lights on the property to assure they are working properly.
- Fire safety brochure created by the committee for all residents to benefit from
- Composting
- Energy savings ideas.
If these are the type of actions that matter to you, come check us out for the first Operations Committee meeting of the new school year.
Come check us out and become a member, you’ll definitely enjoy it!