Lunar New Year Celebration
In 2020, the Lunar New Year begins on January 25 and marks the beginning of the Year of the Rat. Our community will celebrate the occasion the weekend prior on Sunday, January 19th from 4:30-9:30 pm with various festivities throughout the Community Center.
CTC's Lunar New Year Celebration is definitely not worth missing! We have an abundance of prizes, decorations, crafts, games, and food in the making – not to mention multiple performances from our talented residents!
All are welcome and encouraged to join us!!! We also welcome any and all traditional attire, whatever you feel most comfortable/represented in.
Please confirm you + your group's attendance here by January 15th (not required but helps us know how much food to provide!).The celebration is a potluck and there are many simple volunteer tasks, which you can indicate your participation on the RSVP in addition to attendance.
We also need to borrow some from our neighbors! Do you have any skills, decorations, or utensils to contribute? We especially need kitchen knives, cutting boards, large/tall pots (4), hot pots (2-3), and chopsticks for our potluck and dumpling making.
Unite + Enhance!
Help organize the celebration, from coordinating decorations to suggesting activities and beyond!
All backgrounds and voices are welcome to contribute, making our celebration as special as possible! A Vietnamese dance, a Korean song, a Thai story, some Tibetan food? We want to learn how your culture celebrates the New Year, enriching the experience for all! We need more cultures to participate, otherwise it may only represent our current volunteers and, thus, Chinese culture.
Want to perform, volunteer, or contribute any ideas or activities? Email us!
Lunar New Year Cultural Exhibit
Share a comprehensive notion of your New Year’s traditions, foods, beliefs, and ideas for a display in the Community Center hallway, showcasing our entire community’s cultural celebrations around the world. Send us a summary (500 words or less) with accompanying images and links, and we’ll compile the submissions into an exhibit during and after our event on January 19th for all to explore, learn, and enjoy.
Please email submissions to the office by January 15th. We hope to hear back from every culture in our beautifully diverse community about how they celebrate the new year!
4:00-4:30 pm | Set-up
Decorate and organize tables, games, and crafts *volunteers needed!*
4:30-6:00 pm | Activities
Dumpling making (Kitchen), crafts (Meeting Room), Games (Meeting Room + Hallway) and blowing up balloons (Upstairs Room) *volunteers needed!*
6:00-7:00 pm | Dinner
Potluck dinner served in Kitchen with seating available in the neighboring Upstairs Room
7:00-7:15 pm | Balloon Pop
In place of fireworks, we'll stomp and pop balloons to simulate the energetic tradition!
7:15-9:00 pm | Entertainment
Performances, Games, and Karaoke (Upstairs Room + Hallway) *volunteers needed!*
9:00-9:30 pm | Clean-up
Clean and organize the Community Center rooms back to original condition *volunteers needed!*

Make Lunar New Year Crafts
Saturday, Jan. 11 / 11 am-1 pm / Meeting Room
In preparation of the celebration, we're hosting a craft event to create paper lanterns and origami rats! We'll then use our creations to decorate the celebration the following week (you are also welcome to bring some home!). The crafting activities are easy to make, in which we welcome all skill levels and ages!
Have any other craft ideas or want to help volunteer? Email us!