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Mother's Day BBQ Party

All are welcome to join for an barbeque near CTC's Peace Garden on Sunday, May 14, at 11:30 am, hosted by VSM! Food will be provided.

Neighborhood Barbeque

Hosted by a group of CTC resident and non-residents, Visiting Scholars Ministry (VSM), a Christian organization, introducing visiting scholars & postdocs to American culture, life, and Christian faith.

Enjoy a free barbeque lunch, with food such as hamburgers and hot dogs. 

Everyone is welcome! (You don't need to be a mom to attend!)

Event Details:

RSVP, Please!

Please let the organizers know if you plan to attend for their appropriate planning: RSVP here

About Visiting Scholars Ministry (VSM)

Visiting Scholars Ministry (VSM) is a registered graduate student organization that welcomes and serves all visiting scholars and post-docs. We strive to provide enriching experiences during their stay in America by introducing them to American culture, life, and Christian faith.