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Maintenance Corner

Hi Gardeners!
As the end of gardening season nears –here are a few reminders
Please be sure to clean your garden plot space to receive your $25.00 deposit refund. All garden plots need to be clear of plants/vegetables (uproot), fencing, posts and all garden materials.
Garden tools (rakes and spade shovels are available for check-out at the CTC Office).
ALL organic material can be placed in the nearest compost bin or thrown in the trash.
Remember to remove all fence and any other garden materials.
Once you have cleaned your garden plot PLEASE confirm with the office.
Final inspections of all garden plots will take place closer to cooler frost temperatures.
We will send notice of final garden plot inspection dates.

If something looks suspicious call University Police 612-624-2677(COPS) or dial 911. Be aware of your surroundings.

24 hours maintenance emergency dial 651-646-7526
For a live operator follow the voice prompts

If something looks suspicious call
University Police 612-624-2677(COPS) or dial 911
Be aware of your surroundings

Commonwealth Terrace Cooperative
1250 Fifield Street, Falcon Heights, MN 55108 - 651-646-7526
Office Hours: M-Th: 8AM-12PM, 1PM-4:30PM • Fr: 9AM-3:00PM